The Fusion Academy isn’t for everyone. It’s for creatives, builders, leaders and problem solvers who want to investigate the world by combining their learning in English, Math, Science and Social Studies to provide solutions when there isn’t an obvious right answer.
The problem with high performers is that they learn quickly and see things that others don’t. What you learn, and the direction you need to go may call for a different setting for your education. To go from where you are now to where you want to go, takes experience. In fact, it calls for many experiences with people of all ages, backgrounds and interests both inside the school and in the community--which is what the Fusion Academy gives students.
If you are lucky, your school career might offer a couple of those experiences. But often it’s not enough for people who want to level up. If you’re ready to leap forward into a world of opportunity--we’re ready for you!
Thank you 2022-23 Guest Speakers
Mary Soto UWO Precollege Experience
Partnering with Neenah Fire Department for an Algebra project
NJSD Team of the Year
Suzy Weisgerber Social Studies sweisgerber@neenah.k12.wi.us
Gregg Goers English ggoers@neenah.k12.wi.us
Emily Bennett Science ebennett@neenah.k12.wi.us
Shawn Ostrowski Math shawn.ostrowski@neenah.k12.wi.us
Fusion Academy Neenah High School
1275 Tullar Road Neenah WI 54956